Books, chapters in books, and articles dealing with dreams in the context of Christianity
Adams, K., Koet, B.J. & Koning, B. (eds). (2015). Dreams and Spirituality. A Handbook for Ministry, Spiritual Direction and Counselling. London: Canterbury Press
book information on website of publisher
Bernard, A. (2008). God Has No Edges, Dreams Have No Boundaries: Unlocking the Power of the Inner Mind. Tucson (AZ): Wheatmark
Link to website of author
Clift, J.D. & Clift, W.B. (1986). Symbols of Transformation in Dreams. New York: Crossroad
Condon, G. (2008). The Power of Dreams: A Christian Guide. Dublin: The Columba Press
Link to review in Vatican Insider / La Stampa. Link to summary in
Cynaumon, G. (2002). God Still Speaks Through Dreams. Are You Missing His Messages? Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
Link to website author
Driscoll, J. and Mapes, Z. (2010). Dreams: a Biblical Model of Interpretation. Charlotte, N.C: Orbital Book Group
Driscoll and Mapes provide a step by step guide to individuals enabling them to interpret their own dreams based on scripture .
Gonzales-Barnes, L. (2012). Dreamwork. Four techniques for spiritual direction. In: Presence, An International Journal of Spiritual Direction, Vol. 18, No.2, June 2012, 7-14
Graham, L.K. (1992). Care of Persons, Care of Worlds. A Psychosystems Approach to PastoralCare and Counseling. Ashville: Abingdon Press
Grün, A. (1998). Dreams on the Spiritual Journey. Schuyler (NE): Benedictine Mission House
Haden, Jr., R.L. (2010). Unopened Letters from God. Using Biblical Dreams to Unlock your Nightly Dreams. A Workbook for Individuals and Groups. – : Haden Institute Publishing
PDF Table of Contents (1 pag)
Hall, J.A. (1993). The Unconscious Christian. Images of God in Dreams. New York: Paulist Press
Hillman, J. (1994; 2nd). Insearch: Psychology and Religion. (Jungian Classic Series). New York (NJ): Spring Publications. Link to editorial review
Ibojie, J. (2010). The Illustrated Dictionary of Dream Symbols: a Biblical guide to your dreams and visions. San Giovanni Teatino, Italy: Destiny Image Publishers
Ibojie’s text is aimed at assisting the individual believer to learn to how to interpret their own dreams, drawing on scriptural passages to contextualise his approach.
Kelsey, M.T. (1978). Dreams, a Way to Listen toGod. New York: Paulist Press
Kelsey, M.T. (1991). God, Dreams, and Revelation. A Christian Interpretation of Dreams. Minneapolis: Augsburg
Koet, B.J. (ed). (2012). Dreams as Divine Communication in Christianity. From Hermas to Aquinas. Leuven: Peeters
Link to summary of publisher
PDF Table of Contents
Koet, B.J. (2006). Dreams and Scripture in Luke-Acts. Collected Essays. Leuven: Louvain University Press. 232 pp.
Review David L. Tiede
Lyons, T. (2002). Dream Prayers. Dreamwork as a Spiritual Path. Georgia: Tallulah Lyons
Milligan, I. (2000). Understanding the Dreams you Dream. Every Dreamer’s Handbook. Shippensburg: Treasure House
Parker, R. (2013 2nd). Healing Dreams. Their Power and Purpose in Your Spiritual Life. London: SPCK
Parker. R. (2013 2nd). Dream Stories. London: SPCK
This book looks at 12 dream stories in the Bible and offers a way of understanding the dream process and how it applied to the individual dreamers concerned.
Pursell, C. (2011). The Night Pilgrimage. Dreams for the Interior Journey. No publisher.
ISBN 978-1-105-02297-5
Riffel, H.H. (1990). Dreams: Wisdom Within. Unlocking the Mysteries of the Dream World. Shippensburg (PA): Destiny Imags Publishers
Riffel, H. (1993). Dream Interpretation. A Biblical Understanding. Shippensburg (PA): Destiny Image Publishers
Rockwood-Hudson, J. (2000). Natural Spirituality. Recovering the Wisdom Tradition in Christianity. Danielsville (GA): JRH Publications
The Rose Volume 1-18.
The Rose is a journal published twice a year by the Natural Spirituality Group at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Athens, Georgia. It is offered free of charge to help link together groups and individuals engaged in integrating dreamwork and other authentic aspects of the inner journey into regular Christian life. The Rose publishes articles submitted by journeyers from all locales. It is a forum for telling personal stories; for sharing dreams; for setting forth insights from the inner journey; for sharing relevant books; for analyzing movies; for looking at the deeper meaning of Scripture; for poetry and short reflections; for the publication of apt sermons; for exchanging information about how natural spirituality pro-grams are conducted in different places; for announcing upcoming conferences; and for reports on the same after they have taken place.
Sechrist, E. (1995). Dreams: Your Magic Mirror: With Interpretations of Edgar Cayce. …:…
Sanford, J.A. (1968, 1989). Dreams. God’s Forgotten Language. San Francisco: Harper
Sanford, J.A. (1987, rev. ed). The Kingdom Within. The Inner Meaning of Jesus’ Sayings. New York: Harper Collins
The author, a late pastor en episcopal priest, makes use of dream material to illustrate the meaning of the sayings of Jesus.
Sanford, J.A. (1978). Dreams and Healing. A Succinct and Lively Interpretation of Dreams. New York: Paulist Press
Savary, L.M., Berne, P.H. & Kaplan Williams, S. (1984). Dreams and Spiritual Growth. A Judeo-Christian Way of Dreamwork. Mahwah: Paulist Press
Sparrow, G.S. (2004). Sacred Encounters with Mary. Notre Dame (IN):Ave Maria Press Inc.
Sparrow, G.S. (2002). Sacred Encounters with Jesus. Notre Dame (IN): Ave Maria Press Inc. [Preface Raymond Moody]
= identical to: (1995) I Am with You Always. True Stories of Encounters With Jesus. …: Bantam Books [Preface Morton Kelsey]
= identical to: (1991) Witness to His Return.Virginia Beach (VA) :A.R.E Press. [Preface Raymond Moody]
Other languages (Dutch, German):
Bijl, J. & Kasyanenko, S. (2009). Droom je wel eens? God spreekt door dromen en visioenen. Zeewolde: Shamar
Drewermann, E. (1991). Dieptepsychologie en Exegese. Droom, mythe, sprookje, sage en legende. Zoetermeer: Meinema
Dufour – Van Hal, H. (1992). De bidsprinkhaan: hij bidt…en springt. Verkenningen in het religieuze ervaren. Kampen: Kok
Gonzales-Barnes, L. (2012). Dreamwork. Four techniques for spiritual direction. In: Presence, An International Journal of Spirtual Direction, Vol. 18, No.2, June 2012, 7-14.
Notities van artikel
Grün, A. (1998). Dromen zijn géén bedrog. Kampen: Kok / Gent: Carmelitana
PDF summary in Dutch
Hark, H. (2000). Die Heilkraft der Träume. Die Kreativität des Unbewussten zu nutzen. München: Kösel
Hark, H. (1989). Der Traum als Gottes vergessene Sprache. Symbolpsychologische Deutung biblischer und heutiger Träume. Olten: Walter
Link to PDF of complete book in German
Hark, H. (1987). Vom Kirchentraum zur Traum-Kirche. Träume tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet. Stuttgart: Kreuz-Verlag
Link to PDF of complete book in German
Hark, H. (1980). Religiöse Traumsymbolik. Die Bedeutung der religiösen Traumsymbolik für die religiöse Erfahrung. Frankfurt: P.D. Lang
Kassel, M. (1991). Traum, Symbol, Religion. Tiefenpsychologische und feministische Analyse. …: Herder
Link to PDF of complete book in German
Koet, B.J. (2010). Door Dromen van Rome naar Jeruzalem. Hiëronymus’ en Augustinus’ wending van de klassieke literatuur naar de Schrift. Rede uitgesproken bij de openbare aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar Vroegchristelijke Letterkunde aan de Universiteit van Tilburg op 12 maart 2010 door Professor Dr. Bart. J. Koet. Tilburg: Universiteit van Tilburg
PDF of full document in Dutch
Lindijer, C.H. (1986). In onze diepste dromen. Pastoraal omgaan met dromen. Den Haag: J.N. Voorhoeve
Lindijer, C.H. & Speet, E. (1990). Werken met dromen. Mogelijkheden van omgaan met dromen in het pastoraat. Ter Sprake 54. gebruiksboekje bij ontwikkelingen in samenleving, kerk, pastoraat en theologie. ‘s-Gravenhage: Meinema
Meditation. Zeitschrift für Christlichen Spiritualität und Lebensgestaltung. Träume. 35 Jahrgang, Heft4. November 2009. ISSN 01713841. Ostfildern: Verlag Matthias Grünewald.
Meyer, J. (2008). Ik nodig je uit! Een reis in dromen. Zeewolde: Shamar
Morgenthaler, C. (1992). Der religiöse Traum. Erfahrung und Deutung. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer
Ouweneel, W.J. (1998). Nachtboek van de ziel. Amsterdam: Medema / Buijten & Schipperheijn
Pino, R. (2002). Helder gezien met gesloten ogen. De spirituele en voorspellende kracht van dromen. Blaricum: Andromeda
Blogspot in Dutch of the author
Parker, R. (1993). ‘In een droom, in een nachtgezicht..’. Over de functie van dromen. Leidschendam / Eindhoven: Stichting Vuur
Ruthe, R. & Ruthe-Preiss, L. (1995). Droomboodschappen. De uitleg van dromen in Christelijk perspectief. Leiden: J.J. Groen en Zn.
Sechrist, E. (1983). Dromen duiden. De visie van Edgar Cacey en anderen op de wonderlijke spiegel van de geest. Deventer: Ankh Hermes