
Dreams and Religions

Resources considering dreams and religions, with a broad and general scope or discussing more than one religious or spiritual tradition

Adams, K., Koet, B.J. & Koning, B. (eds). (2015). Dreams and Spirituality. A Handbook for Ministry, Spiritual Direction and Counselling. London: Canterbury Press
book information on website of publisher

Aswegan, A.E. (2011). Awakening to the Song of Your Self. Revelations by Day, Dreams by Night. Madison (Wi): Ann Aswegan

Berne, P.H. & Savary, L.M. (1991). Dream Symbol Work. Unlocking the Energy From Dreams and Spiritual Experiences. New York: Paulist Press

Bratnick, R.L. (2003). Awakening the Dreamer. Lebanon (NJ): A Society of Souls Press

Bulkeley, K. (2008). Dreaming in the World’s Religions. A Comparative History. New York: New York University Press

Bulkeley, K. & Bulkley, P. (2005). Dreaming Beyond Death.A Guide to Pre-Death Dreams and Visions. Boston: Beacon Press

Bulkeley, K. (2000). Transforming Dreams. Learning Spiritual Lessons From The Dreams You Never Forget. New York: John Wiley

Bulkeley, K. (1995). Spiritual Dreaming. A Cross-Cultural and Historical Journey. Mahwah (NJ): Paulist Press

Bulkeley, K. (1994). The Wilderness of Dreams: Exploring the Religious Meanings of Dreams in Modern Western Culture (S U N Y Series in Dream Studies). Albany: SUNY Press

Corbett, L. (1996). The Religious Function of the Psyche. London: Routledge

Garrard, A.L. (2010). Your Dreams. Spiritual Lessons in Pajamas. Woodbury (MN): Llewellyn Publications
Website of author www.analora.com

Guiley, R.E. (1998). Dreamwork for the Soul. A Spiritual Guide to Dream Interpretation. New York: Berkely Books

Jędrej, M. & Shaw, R. (1992). Dreaming, Religion and Society in Africa. Leiden: Brill

Laughlin, C.D. (2011). Communing with the Gods. Consciousness, Culture, and the Dreaming Brain.  Columbia (MO): Daily Grail Publishing

Rapin, B.J. (2009). Dreams Designed By God For You. Dreams Relate to You Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually. Understanding What Dreams Are Telling You Can Change Your Life for the Better.  New York: iUniverse, Inc.

Rosner, G., Udelhoven, B. & Mumbi, P. (2013). Dreams. Where do Biblical, Zambian and Western Approaches Meet? Lusaka: Fenza ISBN 978-9982-22-675-2

Weor, S.W. (2010). Dream Yoga. Consciousness, Astral Projection, and the Transformation of the Dream State. Brooklyn (NY): Glorian Publishing


Other Languages (Dutch, German)

Koet B.J. (2002). Geloofwaardig dromen: over bijbelse en rabbijnse visies op dromen. Hilversum: Folkertsmastichting. 56 pp.

Leijssen, M. (2009). H5: Dromen en verbeeldingskracht. In: M.Leijssen, Tijd voor de ziel. Tielt: Lannoo, 143-169

Pameijer, J.M. (2004). Nachtzicht. Over het spirituele in onze dromen. Tilburg: Sigma Press

Stroeken, H. (2005). H9 Dromen in de bijbel en de Griekse oudheid; gedeelte in H11 (een hoofdstuk over ‘specifieke dromen’:) Religieuze dromen. In: H. Stroeken. Dromen brein en betekenis. Meppel: Boom, 170-177; 213-221

Stufkens, H. (2009). Spiritualiteit werkt in dromen. Een reisgids voor je leven. Kampen: Ten Have
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