
Hinduism Books

Books, chapters in books and articles dealing with dreams in the context of Hinduism

Chopra, D. (1996). Restful Sleep: The Complete Mind/Body Program for Overcoming Insomnia.
New York: Three River’s Press. Ch. 7  ‘Dreams and Dreaming’

Tandan, M. (2009). Dreams and Beyond. Finding Your Way in the Dark. New Delhi: Hay House;
Chapter 15: The Unresolved Mystery of Dreams and the Hindu View, p. 277-296;
Chapter 20: Dreams and Karma: Do We Live But Once?, p. 396-428
Chapter 22: The Numinous Dream: A Sense of the Sacred, p. 441-458
Chapter 23: Lucid Dreaming: Who Dreams The Dream? p. 459-470
Chapter 24: Dream Yoga: Harnessing the Dream, p. 471-484
Chapter 25: Dreaming and the Mystical Inquiry, p.485-512
Publisher about Dreams and Beyond

Other Languages (Dutch, German):

Bertelsen, J. (1982). Dromen, chakra’s en meditatie. Deventer: Ankh Hermes.
References to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and Krishnamurti

Homveld-Barmen ‘t Loo, F. (2000). Hoe Sai Baba In Mijn Leven Kwam. Het verhaal van een toegewijde. Eeserveen: Akasha.
p.31 (Dutch text): “What Sai Baba says about dreams