Books, chapters of books and articles dealing with dreams in de context of Sufism
Irina Tweedie. (1986). Daughter of Fire. A Diary of a Spiritual Training with a Sufi Master. Inverness: The Golden Sufi Center Publishing.
Dreams: 12, 57-58, 65, 66, 75, 77, 78, 88, 113, 131, 138-139, 141, 147, 157, 177, 179, 191, 194, 219, 255, 310, 321, 325, 344-345, 356, 368, 433, 453, 482-483, 541-542, 569-570, 585, 589, 590, 630, 647-648, 764-765.
Llewellyn Vaughan Lee. (1998). Catching the Thread. Inverness: The Golden Sufi Center
PDF of Catching the Thread
Llewellyn Vaughan Lee. (2001). Appendix Learning to Read the Signs of God: Dreamwork as a Spiritual practice. In: Llewellyn Vaughan Lee. The Signs of God. Inverness: The Golden Sufi Center, p.106 – 124.
PDF of The Signs of God
Llewellyn Vaughan Lee. (2000). Love is a Fire. The Sufi’s Mystical Journey Home. Inverness: The Golden Sufi Center
Largely not about dreams but offering general information about Sufism. The value of dreams for the spiritual journey is mentioned at page 37.
Llewellyn Vaughan Lee. (1994). In the Company of Friends. Dreamwork within a Sufi Group. Inverness: The Golden Sufi Center
PDF of In the Company
Lewellyn Vaughan Lee. (1992). The Call and the Echo: Sufi Dreamwork And The Psychology of The Beloved. Putney (VE): Treshold Books
Voss, A. (xxxx). Becoming an Angel: the mundus imaginalis of Henry Corbin and the Platonic path of self-knowledge. Paper. Dreams at page 9.
PDF of paper